earthbeat designs, Unique Handmade Designer Jewelry by Carole Shelton

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The Awful Truth

How long can you go without an encounter with something made of plastic?

Plastic is everywhere. It can't be avoided. It can't be destroyed easily. It is killing animals, sickening people, and polluting water, air, and soil. Basically, it is destroying the planet (maybe other planets too). I’ve been reading about it. See below.

Plastic is everywhere. Recycling is not enough.

 As a jewelry artist, I use plastic in my art to elevate the material to something that is art-worthy, valuable and interesting. Recycling is good, but it's not enough. I hope to someday find that plastic is so scarce that my jewelry will have to be made from something else.

These earrings were made of recycled plastic food containers as a statement about the environment.

Some awful facts:

  • 400 million tons of plastic are produced annually.

easy Things you can do:

·         SUPPORT BUSINESSES who have reduced their plastic packaging. Let them know you noticed.

·         BRING YOUR OWN take-out container to the restaurant.

·         COOK MORE to avoid take-out containers, plastic utensils and straws.

·         RECYCLE YOUR CHEWING GUM. (just kidding) Look for plant-based gum.

·         STOP BUYING WATER. 20-50 billion plastic bottles/year are thrown away. 

·         BUY BIODEGRADABLE dental floss.

·         SAY NO to plastic grocery bags.

·         AVOID MICROBEADS in toothpaste and cosmetic scrubs. They can slip into waterways.

·         SUPPORT LEGISLATION that bans single-use plastic.

So…what will you do to help eliminate or reduce plastic in your life?

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