About Opals

I bought these small opals at last year’s Gem, Mineral and Jewelry Show and Sale. They are still in their rough form, but still have lots of “fire” and beauty. I put a couple of them in a Sterling Silver spiral setting to make an interesting pair of earrings. I’ll have them at the upcoming show, if you would like to see them in person!

Here are a few facts about Opals that you might like:

1.       The flash of colors seen inside the opal is caused by the crystalline structure of spheres against hexagonal and cubic forms.

2.       It was once believed that opals could grant invisibility if wrapped in a bay leaf.

3.       Opals can contain up to 20 per cent water. Do not subject your opal to very hot or dry conditions.

4.       Opals are soft and delicate. They can scratch or chip easily.

5.       Opals that are very thin may be attached to a backing, which makes it stronger and possibly brighter. This is called a doublet. If a top clear layer is added it’s called a triplet.

6.       The colors inside the opal are directional. They will appear or disappear depending on the direction the stone is turned.

7.       Clean your opal with mild soap and water.